Bilia Day is any day close to the winter solstice on which you decide to enjoy Bilia Day.

But who is Bilia? Or what is Bilia?

BiliaBilia is a cosmic being of unknown nature and origin. "She" is much larger than the earth and is most closely modeled by what we know as a Preying Mantis.

Is Bilia a goddess or spiritual being?

Although we like to think of Bilia as having or displaying certain spiritual properties, it cannot be actually known whether she is indeed of a spiritual nature.

So what exactly is Bilia's story

Some 4 billion years ago Bilia came to our solar system and planted her baby or babies in our Earth's core to be nourished and to grow for some 8 billion years. At that time a new Bilia will 'hatch' from our planet. When Bilia was leaving our solar system she was dancing wildly with joy at the glorious birthing of her child or children. She seems to have damaged her wing on a young planet, causing what we know today as the asteroid belt. For 2 billion or so years, Bilia nursed her wing in a nearby Nebula, though it cannot be known which one. After that, Bilia more carefully celebrated her regrown wing by laughing and dancing and playing and singing. She joyously awaits the birth of her young, which is only approximately 18 months away in Bilia years (that's about 4 billion years to you and me).

Does Bilia know or care about about humans in any way at all?

Bilia might know we exist but for her our lifespans are far less than fractions of a nanosecond. Therefore she really can't be expected to pay attention to us. Even the entrie lifespan of our species is a flash in her time span. Perhaps the entire animal and plant kingdoms appear to her as a film of bacteria would appear to us under an electron microscope.

If Bilia doesn't know or care about us, why celebrate her?


That's a great question and we're glad you asked! Although we don't expect Bilia to know or care about humans or any terrestrial life, we admire her qualities as some of the best possible qualities in existence in te entire universe! "Her qualities?", you say? Yes her qualities; she loves to laugh and play and dance and sing!